Saturday, November 16, 2013

Mary Bunger born 1810

Mary Bunger
Hardin County, Kentucky
united April 14, 1829 to
Jacob Mossbarger
Hardin County, Kentucky
After 1880
last listed living in 
Vernon County, Missouri
The Children of Mary Bunger:
William Garrett Mossbarger Born 1829
Isaiah B. Mossbarger Born 1833
Andrew Mossbarger Born 1835
Barbara Mossbarger Born 1837
Henry Mossbarger Born 1839
Minerva Mossbarger Born 1842
Samuel Mossbarger Born 1844
Isaac Mossbarger Born 1846
John F. Mossbarger Born 1848
Leander Mossbarger Born 1850
Sarah J. Mossbarger Born 1852
Mary Bunger was the oldest daughter of Henry Bunger and Barbara Garrett.  Mary was born in Mercer County, Kentucky about 1810 according to available census records.  She united to Jacob Mossbarger in Hardin County, Kentucky in April of 1829.  
The 1840 Hardin County Federal Census record enumerating Jacob Mossbarger and Mary Bunger transcribed below:
Males under 5 (2) Isaiah B.  and Andrew J. Males 5-9 (1) Henry Males 10-14 (1) William G. Males 30-39 (1) Jacob Mossbarger Females under 5 (1) Minerva Females 5-9 (1) Barbara Females 30-39 (1) Mary

The 1850 Meade County Federal Census record enumerating Jacob and Mary Mossbarger can be viewed below:

Jacob and Mary Bunger Mossbarger moved from Kentucky settling in the Macon County, Missouri after 1850 and before 1852.

The 1860 Macon County Federal Census record enumerating Jacob and Mary Mossbarger transcribed below:
Jacob Mossbarger Age 53 Birthplace Virginia
Mary Mossbarger Age 50 Birthplace Kentucky
Henry Mossbarger Age 21 Birthplace Kentucky
Minerva Mossbarger Age 18 Birthplace Kentucky
Samuel Mossbarger Age 16 Birthplace Kentucky
Isaac Mossbarger Age 14 Birthplace Kentucky
John P. Mossbarger Age 12 Birthplace Kentucky
Leander Mossbarger Age 10 Birthplace Kentucky
Sarah J. Mossbarger Age 8 Birthplace Missouri

Jacob Mossbarger is enumerated in 1860 as a farmer with Real Estate value of $1900 and Personal Estate Value of $900.  He is noted as being able to read and write. 
   Jacob Mossbarger was the son of Samuel Mossbarger and Catherine Bunger.  Catherine Bunger was the daughter of Valentine Bunger.
Jacob Mossbarger is researched to have died about 1862.

The 1870 Federal Census record enumerating Mary Mossbarger can be viewed below:

The last census record enumerating Mary Mossbarger offers she is 70 years of age, a widow,  born in Kentucky, her parents were born in Virginia, and the only other household member at that time was John Mossbarger age 30.  They are listed in Montevallo, Vernon County, Missouri.

The death date of Mary Bunger Mossbarger has not been proven, though likely in the area of Vernon County, Missouri.

Your thoughts are appreciated!


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Samuel Dean Bunger Born 1805

Samuel Dean Bunger
December 22, 1805
Mercer County, Kentucky
Henry Bunger and Barbara Garrett
June 8,1841 united to Louisa J. Whitely
Hardin County, Kentucky
July 5, 1870
Meade County, Kentucky

Samuel Dean Bunger was 35 years of age before he married.  An unusual occurrence of that time.  It is equally unusual that this pattern of marrying later in life continued with male Bunger descendants for several generations beyond Samuel Dean.
The children of Samuel Dean Bunger and Louisa Jane Whitely:
Emaline Bunger Born 1841
William Thomas Bunger Born 1842
Mary "Mollie" Bunger Born 1842
John Bunger Born 1843
Gassaway Bunger Born 1845
James H. Bunger Born 1847
Amanda Bunger Born 1849
Samuel Bunger Born 1851
Jane Bunger Born 1852
George W. Bunger Born 1856
Jacob M. Bunger Born 1859
Eliza Florence Bunger Born 1861
Joseph E. Bunger Born 1864
 The 1850 Federal Census enumerating Samuel D. Bunger offers that he was resident of Meade County, Kentucky and providing care for his aging parents.  Henry and Barbara Bunger both remain in Samuel Bunger's household until their deaths about 1860.
The 1860 Meade County, Kentucky Federal Census record enumerating Samuel D. Bunger can be viewed below:

Transcription: Samuel D. Bunger age 55, Louisa J. age 38, Emelene age 19, William age 18, Gasaway age 14, James age 13, Amanda age 10, Samuel age 9, Jane age 8, George W. age 4, Jacob M. age 1

Louisa Jane Whitely, daughter of Joseph Whitely and Dorcus Wilson, was born on December 31, 1821.  The 1880 Meade County, Kentucky Federal Census record enumerates her as 58 years of age and a housekeeper. 
See Image Below:

Samuel Dean Bunger preceded Louisa Jane Whitely Bunger in death by over 20 years.  Their grave markers stand together in Bunger Cemetery, Meade County, Kentucky. 

Louisa Jane Bunger
death occurred October 5, 1896

Samuel Dean Bunger
 death occurred July 5, 1870

Your thoughts are appreciated!


Monday, October 14, 2013

William G. Bunger Born 1801

William G. Bunger
March 22, 1801
Mercer County, Kentucky
December 9, 1825
Hardin County, Kentucky united to
Elizabeth Neff
February 22, 1877
Meade County, Kentucky
Children of William G. Bunger and Elizabeth Neff
Henry Bunger Born 1826
Sarah Bunger Born 1828
Barbara Bunger Born 1829
Samuel N. Bunger Born 1830
John Bunger Born 1833
Mary Jane Bunger Born 1836
William T. Bunger Born 1838
Eliza Ann Bunger Born 1842

The 1830 Hardin County Federal Census record enumerating William Bunger can be viewed below:

Transcribed: Males under 5 (1) Henry Males 20-29 (1) William Bunger Females Under 5 (2) Sarah and Barbara Females 20-29 (1) Elizabeth

The 1840 Hardin County Federal Census record enumerating William Bunger transcribed below:

Males under 5 (1) William T. Males 5-9 (2) John and Samuel Males 10-14 (1) Henry Males 30-39 (1) William Bunger Females under 5 (1) Mary Jane Females 10-14 (1) Barbara or Sarah Females 30-39 (1) Elizabeth
4 Slaves are also enumerated in the household in 1840. 
  The census record above does not include both Sarah and Barbara Bunger in the household though they both married after 1850.  

The 1850 Meade County Federal Census record enumerating William Bunger can be viewed below:

Henry Bunger united to Lucinda Howey on January 3, 1850 Hardin County, Kentucky.
The parentage of Elizabeth Neff remains unproven.  A George Neff is enumerated in Hardin County Kentucky in 1820 with a female 10-15 years of age in his household.  George Neff united to Sally Cole August 14, 1806 Mercer County, Kentucky.  Sally Cole is censused in 1830 as Sarah Cole age 40-49.  She is household head and living in close proximity to the Bungers in Hardin County, Kentucky.  George Neff is researched to have died in 1829.  William and Elizabeth Bunger offer their first born daughter the given name Sarah.  The available records do not confirm the parents of Elizabeth Neff, though likely to be George Neff and Sarah Sally Cole.  

William G. Bunger died in Garrettsville, Meade County, Kentucky on February 22, 1877.  It is possible the middle initial G. represents his mother's maiden name of Garrett.  He is buried in The Bunger Cemetery off of Bunger Road.  William G. Garrett was just shy of 76 years old at the time his death occurred.

An image of the grave marker for
 William G. Bunger
can be viewed below:

His grave marker reads:

"Sleep on dear father sleep,
Thy family mourns your loss,
around thy silent grave we weep,
all covered over with moss.
Blessed are the dead that die in Christ"

Your thoughts are appreciated!


Sunday, October 6, 2013

John Bunger Born 1762

Johannes (John) Bunger
July 6, 1762
Madison County, Virginia
1787 united to Eva House in Virginia
September 16, 1821
Lewisburg, Preble County, Ohio

Children of John Bunger and Eva House
Iva Bunger Born 1787
Margaret Catherine Bunger Born 1788
Barbara Bunger Born 1790
George Bunger Born 1791
Anna Bunger Born 1794
Moses Bunger Born 1801
Richard Bunger Born 1803
Aaron Bunger Born 1804
Samuel Bunger Born 1806
Elias Bunger Born 1809
Simeon Bunger Born 1812

An Aaron Bunger born August 26, 1844 is researched to be the son of John Bunger and Eva House.  This is not possible due to the deaths of  John and Eva Bunger both occurring before 1844.  Aaron Bunger son of John Bunger and Eva House was born May 11, 1804.  His grave marker offers he died on August 26, 1844 Preble County, Ohio.

A Richard Bunger united to Rebecca Hutsenpiller February 14, 1815 Greenbrier County, Virginia. No census records are available enumerating them.  Richard Bunger, son of John Bunger and Eva House, would have been about 13 years of age in 1815, thus not likely to have been the Richard Bunger who united with Rebecca Hutsenpiller.   

The 1810 Federal Census record enumerating John Bunger and family have yet to be discovered though they should have been enumerated in Greenbrier County, Virginia.   

 From the book titled The History of Preble County, Ohio published 1881,  an account of Elias Bunger reads  "Elias Bunger was born in 1809 Greenbriar County, Virginia and removed to Preble County, Ohio with his father in 1817."

The 1820 Preble County, Ohio Federal Census Record enumerating John Bunger Transcribed Below:

Males Under 10: (3) Simeon, 2 Unknown Males 10-15: (1) Elias Males 16-18: (1) Aaron Males 16-25: (1) Aaron Males 45 and over: (1) John Bunger Females 45 and Over: (2) Eva Bunger and 1 Unknown

Preble County, Ohio was formed in 1808 from parts of Montgomery and Butler Counties.  The official roster of the soldiers of the American Revolution buried in the state of Ohio includes John Bunger in the County of Preble. 

 The American Revolutionary War broke out on April 17, 1775.  John Bunger would have been about 13 years old.  The Revolutionary war continued until 1783 and into the time when John Bunger would have reached adulthood.  Specific records of his serving have not been discovered, but would seem probable that John Bunger joined the war between 1778-1780. 

John Bunger was the son of Valentine (Felta or Felty)  Bunger.  Valentine Bunger's will was probated in 1806.  Before his passing, Felta (transcribed as Fether) Bunger granted land to son John Bunger in Madison County, Virginia in 1795. 

  According to U.S. International Marriage records
 John Bunger united with Eva House in 1787.  A record is also available of a John Bunger having married "Elssa" House 1787 in Virginia. The possibility that Elssa may be a transcribing error is likely due to the church records available from Hebron Church in Madison County, Virginia offering that Johannes Bunger married Eva House and also that the 1830 Preble County, Ohio Federal Census records enumerating John Bunger's widow as "Eva or Eve" Bunger.  Both available marriage records offer that the marriages took place in Virginia in 1787 and that Eva House was born in March. 

Eva House born March 10, 1768 was the daughter of Mathias House and Margaretha Jaeckler.  Research proves the Bunger and House families were closely connected.

On September 22, 1752 immigrants left from Rotterdam in South Holland for Pennsylvania with both German and Swiss newcomers aboard.  Mathias Haas and Hans Jacob Burghen or Burgher are listed passengers.  Hans is known to be a shortened version of the given name Johannes or John.  Mathias House, father of Eva House, would have been about 13 years old in 1752.  Though some researchers believe that Mathias House was born in Virginia, most offer that he was born in Germany.  It is possible the passenger list noted above may be the source of that reasoning.  

The passenger list can be viewed below: 

A John Bunger is enumerated in 1780 and 1790 in Albemarle County, Virginia but doubtful to be John Bunger of this post.  A Felty Bowyers (possibly mistranslated) also enumerated there.  Albemarle County was created by the Virginia General Assembly in 1744.  Madison County, Virginia was formed December 1792 from Orange County. Albemarle County boarders Orange County in Virginia. 

It is possible that John Bunger noted above may have been the father of or brother of Valentine (Felty or Felta) Bunger. 

Click Here to read more on Valentine Bunger

John Bunger died on September 16, 1821. He is buried in in Roselawn Cemetery Preble County, Ohio.  He was about 60 years old at the time of his death.

Your thoughts are appreciated!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Valentine Bunger Born 1740

Valentine Bunger
about 1761 united to Elizabeth
Greenbrier County, Virginia
(now West Virginia)

The children of Valentine Bunger and Elizabeth

Magthalina (Magdelin) Bunger born 1764
Margaretha (Margaret) Bunger born 1767
Jacob Bunger born 1769
Elizabetha (Elizabeth) Bunger born 1771
Phillip Bunger born 1774
Henry Bunger born 1777
Catherina (Catherine) Bunger born 1782

Valentine Bunger may be the son of John Bunger

Valentine Bunger is of German descent.  There are no available records to confirm if he was born in the United States.  Valentine Bunger owned land in Culpepper County, Virginia in 1775.  It was a tract of land including 100 acres on a branch of Deep Run that he had acquired from Michael Whilheit and his wife Mary. Valentine Bunger sold this land to son Johannes (John) on January 22, 1795

Valentine Bunger's signature was a classic German script.
See an example below:

Valentine Bunger is noted to have also been called "Felty or Felta".
There exists no genealogy for the wife of Valentine Bunger, though some researchers offer that the close relationship the family held with the House (Haus) family may give insight to her parentage. 
The family of Valentine Bunger were members of Hebron Church of Madison County, Virginia.
The congregation was formed in 1725 of German families some of whom arrived in Virginia as early as 1717 to work at Germanna, a frontier mining community. 

From the History of Germanna Colonies in Virginia:
 “In 1717, a Second Colony of Germans came to Germanna and were settled across the river from Germanna in the Great Fork. They were Lutherans from the Palatinate and Baden-Wurttemberg regions of Germany. They paid passage to their intended destination, Pennsylvania, but the captain landed in Virginia where he demanded more money. Lt. Governor Alexander Spotswood paid this extortion, in exchange for an indenture of 7 years on the Germans. The truth of the matter here is that the Captain, Andrew Tarbett was in cahoots with Governor Spotswood, and this additional money was the captain’s “bonus” for bringing the Germans to Virginia rather than Pennsylvania." and also "The Colonists of 1717 and 1719 remained in the Germanna neighborhood until 1725 or 1726 when they acquired land in Madison County. "

Valentine Bunger signed the church covenant of the German Lutheran Church May 27, 1776 and also the petition by the male members of the church October 22, 1776 asking that they be freed from levies to support the Anglican Church.

The Hebron Church is the oldest Lutheran Church still in existence today.
Hebron Church Madison County, Virginia (now West Virginia)

Facts From Hebron Church Records Madison County, Virginia (Now West Virginia)

A marriage index record for Culpepper County, Virginia offers that Margaret Bungard married Daniel Hufman January 19, 1790. 
 The Hebron Church record above states that Elizabeth Bunger born 1771 married Daniel Hoffman March 22, 1791. 

Researchers offer a Daniel Huffman born about 1740 and a Magdelena Bunger born about 1744 united in marriage 1764 in Virginia.  No researchers offer the parentage of Magdelena Bunger, though  likely she was a relative of Valentine Bunger.  It is possible the Huffman families offered the given name Daniel to their children with frequency, making it reasonable to imagine that each daughter of Valentine Bunger married different men named Daniel Huffman.

The will of  Valentine (Felta) Bunger was executed in Greenbrier County, Virginia (now WV) in 1806.

Your thoughts are appreciated!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Jacob Bunger Born 1769

Jacob Bunger
Madison County, Virginia
Valentine Bunger and Elizabeth
united about 1790 Culpepper County, Virginia to Mary Margaret House
March 8, 1850
Monroe County, Indiana
Researched to be the children of Jacob Bunger
Michael Bunger born 1793
Phillip Bunger born 1796
Susannah Bunger born 1798
Mary Eva Bunger born 1798/1799
Henry Bunger born 1800
Elizabeth Bunger born 1802
Jacob Bunger born 1808
Joseph Bunger born 1810
David Bunger born 1812
The 1820 Hardin County, Kentucky Federal Census record enumerating Jacob Bunger transcribed below:
Males under 10 (2) Joseph and David, Males 10-15 (2) Jacob and 1 Unknown, Males 16-25 (1) Henry, Males 45 and over (1) Jacob Bunger, Females 16-25 (2) Mary Eva and Elizabeth, Females 45 and over (1) Mary Margaret
The 1830 Monroe County, Indiana Federal Census record enumerating Jacob Bunger transcribed below:
Males 15-19 (1) David, Males 60-69 (1) Jacob Bunger, Females 60-69 (2) Mary Margaret
The 1840 Monroe County, Indiana Federal Census record enumerating Jacob Bunger transcribed below:
Males under 5 (2) 2 Unknown, Males 30-39 (1), Males 60-69 (1) Jacob Bunger, Females 20-29 (1)
It appears that Mary Margaret (House) Bunger had passed away before the family was censused in 1840. 
Between 1792 and 1795 Jacob Bunger, John Bunger and "Fether" Bunger's names were listed among early deeds in Madison County, Virginia.
Some researchers offer that Mary Margaret also went by the nickname "Peggy".  She was born July 4, 1771 and researched to be the daughter of Mathias House and Maria Margaretha Jaeckler.  Mary Margaret House's parents are said to have been German immigrants, having arrived in the United States before their marriage about 1762 Frederick County, Virginia.
Jacob Bunger was last censused in 1840 Monroe County, Indiana.
Your thoughts are appreciated!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Phillip Bunger Born 1774

Phillip Bunger
Madison County, Virginia
Valentine Bunger and Elizabeth
United January 1, 1798 to
Mary Garrett
Hardin County, Kentucky
The children of Phillip Bunger and
Mary Garrett:
Fielding Bunger born 1800
Thomas Bunger born 1803
James Bunger born 1804
Nancy Bunger born 1805
Elizabeth Bunger born 1808
Phillip Bunger born 1812
Mary Bunger born 1814
William Bunger born 1816
Jackson Bunger born 1818
The 1810 Mercer County, Kentucky Federal Census record enumerating Phillip Bunger transcribed below:
Males under 10 (3) Fielding, Thomas, and James, Males 10-15 (1) Unknown, Males 26-44 (1) Phillip Bunger, Females under 10 (2) Nancy and Elizabeth, Females 26-44 (2) Mary and 1 unknown
The 1820 Hardin County Federal Census record enumerating Phillip Bunger transcribed below:
Males under 10 (3) Phillip Jr., William, and Jackson, Males 10-15 (1) Unknown, Males 16-25 (3) Fielding, Thomas, and James, Males 45 and over (1) Phillip Bunger, Females under 10 (1) Mary, Females 10-15 (2) Nancy and Elizabeth, Females 45 and over (1) Mary
The 1830 Hardin County Federal Census record enumerating Phillip Bunger transcribed below:

Males 10-15 (2), Males 20-29 (3) Males 50-59 (1) Phillip Bunger, Females 15-19 (1), Females 20-29 (2), Females 50-59 (1) Mary

Phillip Bunger is listed in 1840 as 60-69 years old in Hardin County, Kentucky.  It appears he remained in the area of Hardin County until his death which occurred sometime before 1850.

The 1850 Hardin County, Kentucky Federal Census record enumerating Mary Garrett Bunger can be viewed below:

Two children of Fielding Bunger, grandchildren of Phillip and Mary Bunger, are censused in the household with Mary Bunger in 1850.

The 1860 Hardin County Federal Census record enumerating Mary Bunger can be viewed below:

Mary Garrett Bunger was the daughter of Thomas Garrett and Ann Curry.  Research indicates that not long after Mary Garrett unites with Phillip Bunger they began the treacherous journey from Virginia to the newly established state of Kentucky.  Historians offer that most Virginians migrated through the Cumberland Gap into Tennessee following the "Wilderness Trail" north into Kentucky.  The family settled first in Mercer County, Kentucky along with Mary Garrett's sister Barbara Garrett who had also recently united to Henry Bunger, younger brother of Phillip.  Harrod's Fort had been built in 1774 Mercer County, Kentucky and was possibly where the young families first stopped before taking up land there.  A marriage record exists uniting a Phillip Bunger to Susannah Neff on May 14, 1818 Mercer County, Kentucky the minister being Rev. James Durham.  Phillip Bunger is researched to be the son of Jacob Bunger and Margaret "Peggy" House.  Jacob Bunger born 1768 Madison County, Virginia is an older brother to Phillip and Henry Bunger.  The family of Jacob Bunger appears to have removed from Virginia to Kentucky after 1810 and before May of 1818.

Due to the family of Phillip Bunger being listed in Hardin County, Kentucky through the years and beyond of his passing it is assumed he is buried in an undiscovered grave in the area.

Your thoughts are appreciated!